Paleo Recipe Book – Your Guide to Health the Paleolithic Way

A lot of diet methods have been around in the market when it comes to losing weight; one of them is the Paleolithic diet or more familiarly known as the Paleo Diet. The idea behind this diet is to follow the diet of our ancestors in the Paleolithic era, specifically the hunters and food gatherers. Although there was no Paleo Recipe Book found, it is perceived that during those times, human were believed to be healthier and stronger in terms of immunity to diseases and illnesses. However, the problem remains, to emulate the same method of food gathering and hunting in the modern times is nearly impossible, so what should we do to get that lean, healthy and energized body we’ve all been craving for? Here’s where this Paleo Recipe Book will come in handy for you. This recipe book is not your average ordinary book. It’s made for those dieters who take dieting as a serious business, more specifically those paleo dieters. What you will find in this book is: •    18 food categories with over 370 recipes included inside •    8 weeks meal plan including those for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner and even those for dips AND desserts! •    100% Paleo food approved which means you won’t find any recipes with grains, dairy, legumes, sugar, vegetable oils and definitely no recipes involving preservatives •     Instant access to all these recipes because it’s in a digital form •    Easy to understand step-by-step cooking guide and also a list of anything Paleo This Paleo Recipe Book is definitely your source to go when you want to start a good Paleo diet. Where else can you find a more thorough recipe book plus all the information you need to start dieting today without so much trouble? Get it and experience life in a healthier, stronger, and more energized body now!

Saturday 4 August 2012

This Just In: Austin is Still Weird

{Me in front of a Barbarella wall--I later found out this was actually the
front of a bar aptly named "Bar-barella." Clever, Austin. Verrrrrrrrrrrrrry clever.}

I'm no fool. I know you've all been dying to see pictures of my trip to Austin a few weeks ago. Well, you're in luck, because today I don't feel like blogging much, so I'm just gonna slap some pictures up and let you marinate in your jealousy. Enjoy y'all!
{The first Tex Mex meal of the trip. There were about 4 total. In 7 days. In my mind, it wasn't enough.}
 {A random planter covered in stickers.}
 {Live music is EVERYWHERE in Austin, and it's all really good. The locals take it for granted though. The people dancing in this picture are probably not locals.}
 {On our first night out, I was approached by a man who asked me what my favorite animal was. I replied, "something I'm not allergic to." Then I took my assignment more seriously and said "Seahorse!"He then took out a sheet of foil, told a few jokes about a fight between a grilled cheese and a taco, and a few minutes later I was holding this amazing creation. I can't think of a better story to characterize Austin.}
 {I saw this wooden hitch and felt compelled to do a lil' ho down.}
{Then I was like, "oooo, it would be such a good 'blogger' picture to take a close up of this old driftwood at an angle."}
{I mean, you can't go to Austin without a trip to the legendary SaltLick for barbecue!}
 {Kyle had never had a Big Red, but he was convinced he needed to order one. He's partial to know. Anyway, he hated it, but it reminded me of my childhood. I used to love the bubblegum flavored soft drink. I'd actually forgotten about it, as it's only available in Texas? I think? Is that right? Maybe Arkansas, but then that's probably it.}
 {I got the mixed plate of sausage, ribs, and brisket.}
 {They also serve it with this amazing German potato salad...}
 {...and gorgeous fluffy white bread.}
 {Look, I ate it all, okay??? I'm not even a little embarrassed.}
{Kyle and I in front of a fountain that's probably important but I don't know 'cus I don't read plaques or whatever at the University of Texas.}

If you're wondering where all the pictures of the Whole Foods are (Whole Foods was founded in Austin, in case you don't know), they're getting their own post because it was just.that.good.

Who else is a fan of Austin? What's your favorite BBQ place? And what do you do stay cool in the heat???

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