Paleo Recipe Book – Your Guide to Health the Paleolithic Way

A lot of diet methods have been around in the market when it comes to losing weight; one of them is the Paleolithic diet or more familiarly known as the Paleo Diet. The idea behind this diet is to follow the diet of our ancestors in the Paleolithic era, specifically the hunters and food gatherers. Although there was no Paleo Recipe Book found, it is perceived that during those times, human were believed to be healthier and stronger in terms of immunity to diseases and illnesses. However, the problem remains, to emulate the same method of food gathering and hunting in the modern times is nearly impossible, so what should we do to get that lean, healthy and energized body we’ve all been craving for? Here’s where this Paleo Recipe Book will come in handy for you. This recipe book is not your average ordinary book. It’s made for those dieters who take dieting as a serious business, more specifically those paleo dieters. What you will find in this book is: •    18 food categories with over 370 recipes included inside •    8 weeks meal plan including those for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner and even those for dips AND desserts! •    100% Paleo food approved which means you won’t find any recipes with grains, dairy, legumes, sugar, vegetable oils and definitely no recipes involving preservatives •     Instant access to all these recipes because it’s in a digital form •    Easy to understand step-by-step cooking guide and also a list of anything Paleo This Paleo Recipe Book is definitely your source to go when you want to start a good Paleo diet. Where else can you find a more thorough recipe book plus all the information you need to start dieting today without so much trouble? Get it and experience life in a healthier, stronger, and more energized body now!

Saturday 4 August 2012

Friday Fun Find: Bandolero's Guacamole and Pork Rinds

Like any warm-blooded, judgmental, self-involved girl, I love Fridays, what with their promise of the weekend and so much untainted optimism, but I have to admit I like Thursday just a little bit better. Yes, part of it is because it reminds me of the days when Friends was still on NBC, but it's also because, let's face it, Thursday is the real last day of the work week, which means it's the perfect night for trying a new restaurant with some old friends. And that, dear Cupcult, is exactly what I did last night with my friends Katie and P.K. at former Top Chef contestant Mike Isabella's newest DC hotspot, Bandolero.

Bandolero is D.C.'s answer to Mexican cuisine. FINALLY!!!!! What's sad is that it took a Top Chef to match the cooking abilities of untrained Mexican grandmothers. C'est la vie...or however you say it in Spanish. (Is that offensive? Mexican food is my favoriteeeeeeeee. The last thing I wanna do is piss off anyone who makes it. Actually, to be specific, I mean anyone who makes authentic Mexican food. That clears it up, right???)

So, when the three of us sat down at our table, Katie immediately suggested we order the guacamole. Being as the restaurant is so piss-poor lit and I couldn't read the menu without using my cell phone as a flashlight, I readily agreed. When it came out, I realized the guacamole vehicles were not mere tortilla chips like so many pedestrian restaurants might provide. Instead, Bandolero took things 5 steps further and paired it with crispy housemade pork rinds.
Like Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling, these two things should never NOT be together. What's more, the appetizer was entirely paleo, making the guac and pork rinds at Bandolero my official Friday Fun Find for the week.

Do you use anything unusual as a dip vessel? How do you feel about pork rinds? Do they creep you out or do you think of them as super crunchy bacon?? 

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