Paleo Recipe Book – Your Guide to Health the Paleolithic Way

A lot of diet methods have been around in the market when it comes to losing weight; one of them is the Paleolithic diet or more familiarly known as the Paleo Diet. The idea behind this diet is to follow the diet of our ancestors in the Paleolithic era, specifically the hunters and food gatherers. Although there was no Paleo Recipe Book found, it is perceived that during those times, human were believed to be healthier and stronger in terms of immunity to diseases and illnesses. However, the problem remains, to emulate the same method of food gathering and hunting in the modern times is nearly impossible, so what should we do to get that lean, healthy and energized body we’ve all been craving for? Here’s where this Paleo Recipe Book will come in handy for you. This recipe book is not your average ordinary book. It’s made for those dieters who take dieting as a serious business, more specifically those paleo dieters. What you will find in this book is: •    18 food categories with over 370 recipes included inside •    8 weeks meal plan including those for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner and even those for dips AND desserts! •    100% Paleo food approved which means you won’t find any recipes with grains, dairy, legumes, sugar, vegetable oils and definitely no recipes involving preservatives •     Instant access to all these recipes because it’s in a digital form •    Easy to understand step-by-step cooking guide and also a list of anything Paleo This Paleo Recipe Book is definitely your source to go when you want to start a good Paleo diet. Where else can you find a more thorough recipe book plus all the information you need to start dieting today without so much trouble? Get it and experience life in a healthier, stronger, and more energized body now!

Saturday 4 August 2012

Taking My New Vitamix for a Spin

Unless you leave a comment, I literally have no idea who reads this damn blog. It's like, I could pass my biggest fans and most dedicated readers (love you guys!!!) on the street and regard you with little more interest than a Planned Parenthood volunteer. So I'm sorry in advance for those of  you who read CupcakesOMG! religiously (as you should) and already knew that my birthday was last week, but for those of you who don't (you should), it was my birthday last week. 

There's plenty more to come on the trip Kyle took me on to Austin and Houston, as well as the diabetic-shock-inducing pecan pie and chocolate sheet cake my mom made for us (totally worth it), but today I wanted to highlight the amazing present Kyle got me--the Vitamix! He really IS the best gift-giver, you guys. He's also the best boyfriend, and I probably don't deserve him, but I do a pretty good job distracting him from that fact by blinding him with glitter and forcing him to watch RuPaul's Drag U.
My guess is much of the Cupcult already knows what a Vitamix is, but for those of you who don't come here often, it's this turbo-powered a nutshell. You can make everything from ice cold sorbet to steaming hot soup. Like, you can actually make the soup hot IN the blender! Not that anyone who didn't have  a death wish would even want to eat hot soup in the wet, wet heat we've been enjoying the past few weeks, but ya know, comme ci comme ca.
Naturally, I wanted to break it in with a paleo recipe, so I whipped up a quick and delicious smoothie from banana, raspberries, and peach. Garnished with a mint colored straw and fresh mint leaves, it was the perfect way to beat the heat AND enjoy the spoils of riches bestowed upon me.
Does anyone else have a Vitamix? What's your favorite recipe to make with it?? 

Banana, Peach, Raspberry Smoothie
Makes 1 large glass

  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup raspberries
  • 1 small peach
  • 1 tsp raw honey (optional)
  • 2-3 Tbsp (I just eyeball it) of coconut milk
  • handful of ice
In your Vitamix, toss in fruit, honey, milk, and ice (in that order--the blades will process the ice best if the fruit is pureed first) and turn on Variable 1. Rapidly increase the speed to the highest variable and blend until your desired consistency is reached. Pour into a tall glass and serve with a straw. Preferably in a pretty color.

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